The 2 things that I keep thinking about are empowerment and encouragement...I feel so empowered that I can achieve anything I set my mind too. I honestly did not believe I could complete this task...when I hit mile 25 then running through the finish, I was overjoyed, emotional, I was crying, and screaming!! I literally ran through the finish waving my hands to pump up the crowd and screaming "Cheer for me I am finishing a Marathon!!!" I pulled my "football player" who threw a winning touchdown pass or just won a game--I was so psyched!!
And encouragement...the verse "I can do all things THROUGH Christ Jesus who strengthens me"...phil is so true. This journey took a lot of time and prayer...I was begging Jesus to help me through the pain from miles 18 on, and he delivered was GREAT! Another member from TNT had the verse written on the back of her jersey, and it honestly kept my mind fresh...thankfully!! And as I have said a ton of times before...YOU can do whatever you set your mind to! I am so encouraged that I completed not let anything hold you back!!
Ok on to the play-by-play for race day...
Race day was both wonderful and painful, but the joy has far exceeded any of the is Tuesday night, and yes, I am still sore...but it is almost blissful--knowing the soreness came from such a triumphant finish!!
We got up on race day at 6:00 am...but I hardly slept the night before. I dreamed that I missed the start, and that I could not tie my I was a bit groggy when I finally awoke. Bad news was the weather--on race day, it was the coldest morning in Phoenix in the last 16 years--30 degrees (we had expected 50!!) I had to dress warm. I ate a muffin, got my stuff together, and went down to the lobby to meet my Team in Training (TNT) teammates.
Here is a pic of Tim and I in the lobby pre-race...

So we got a pep talk from our coach, Mari-etta, who told us what to expect and what to plan for on the course. I got to hand it to TNT, they were amazing!! They prepared us the whole way!!
So we boarded our bus, and headed to the start. We got to the race, jumped in line with the thousands of others, and took off!! It was so great to have a running partner--Suzie and I stuck together for the 1st 16 miles. At every mile, I would mention that I was still having fun, and Suzie would "check" it off the list, as in another mile down, and we were still smiling!! We really had a good time, we chatted a little, but got to see some fun scenery as we started in downtown Phoenix and ran towards Scottsdale.
Here I am at 8 miles...not really in any pain (yet)...still feeling good...

Let me tell you, running with TNT was the biggest advantage...we were surrounded by purple jerseys--there were TNT members everywhere, and there were fans cheering for us all over the place. We never felt alone on the course at all, and our coaches were everywhere, giving us tips and running with us to help us along. We saw our coach around the 9-10 mile, and she warned me that I was leaning forward a bit--that was about the time my legs started to feel a tad sore, and started to get tired. I listened, and tried to focus on standing tall and slowing down a tad.
So at 13 miles, we hooked up with my dad, who was going to run the final 13.2 miles with us. Here is a pic of Suzie and I at 13...we are still feeling good!!

The distance started to catch up with me around 15 miles...I started to get really tired...and my right knee began to ache...I had been having major trouble with my right arch the 3 weeks leading up to the race, but my arch was great...but my knee must have taken the brunt of the now the mind games began...
so I hit 15, and kept thinking I just need to make it to 18, because I had run that distance before, so it was a mental thing to get there. I got to 18, and knew only 8 was left...and I started to get HUNGRY...I was starving. My dad was encouraging, telling me that my mom and Tim would meet us around mile 20 or 21, so that is all I thought about those 3 is coming soon, just keep going. And honestly, what else was I going to do? I figured I was in the middle of Scottsdale, AZ, and the only way to get food or rest, I HAD to keep running!!!
Here I am at mile 21, eating a protein bar and chugging Gatorade! Thank God fro my mom and sweet husband for being my traveling pit crew...

so mile 21-25 was really tough...I ran off from Tim and my mom after refueling for about 3-4 minutes, and I literally could not run at right knee had the most excruciating pain through the right side, and I literally thought I could not run at all...this was the one moment where I did not think I could go on...I stopped and told my dad I had to walk, and he gently encouraged me and told me to walk to get warmed up again. As I walked, the muscles in my lower back were now crying running was actually less painful then walking. Determined to finish, I knew it was time to pop the iPod in, and let some music carry me through to the finish.
Then came along my TNT coach Mari-etta-at just the right time. She ran with me from 21.5-22.5, and at that point, knowing that I only had a 5k left, I knew I could finish. At this point Suzie was about 5 minutes behind me, and her dad had also joined her on the course, which was really cool.
At mile 25, with all of my pride, I tried to keep it together, and be stoic and not show emotion...then I realized how lame that is, and decided to allow the emotion to overcome me, and I started crying!! Still in a lot of pain, but I knew then that I would finish, and I was so proud of myself for taking the journey and for completing it. I was elated. There are very few moments in my life that compare to this--working in sports for so long, there are a lot of victories I have been a part of as a team, but to know that this was me, and my 2 legs carrying me to the finish, that was a sweet feeling.
Here I am waving my arms to pump up the crowd before I cross the finish line...

Check out the medal around my neck!!

Tim and I at the finish...

My dad and I enjoying the moment...

Getting stretched out by my mom...

Suzie and I at the end...

again...what an amazing experience. I cannot say enough about Team in Training. If you are at all interested in this amazing cause, and in being a part of the team, I will tell you all about it!! Check it out: highly recommended!!
Will I do it again??? Hell yeah! Training and competing in this marathon was a life-changing experience. I feel so energized and it has built me up in such a positive way. My knees are hating me as I type this...but I plan to take 2-3 weeks off to rest, then start training for the country music 1/2 marathon here in Nashville in April, then hopefully for another marathon in 2007!! Suzie and I (and my friend Jeannie!!) plan to attempt a triathlon as well!! I have gotten in touch with my sporty side!!
Well thanks for reading, and thanks for taking this journey with me. I encourage you to make 1 decision today that will be a step in the direction of your dreams. Just Do It. You are capable of far more then you probably give yourself credit for.
God Bless...Leigh
Leigh, I wish I had known about your endeavor. I would have loved to be on your band wagon of supporters. Next time, okay?
awesome work. i wish i had your energy when i was finishing.
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