Saturday, January 06, 2007

thanking jesus for madonna and leather...

so the title of this blog is the old fashioned marketing idea to lead with a great headline to get people hooked...but honestly, when I was running this morning, I thought of it...

So I am half a mile from the finish of my 8 mile jog this morning, and I was tired, (hope that doesn't happen during the marathon at 7.5 miles!!), and I needed a pick me up. I was listening to my NEW iPod nano (the RED one--thanks sweetie!!!) (sorry about the shout out to Tim and to Apple), and some Dashboard Confessional song came on. And I like Dashboard, but sometimes their love/angst songs are not so I hit Skip on the iPod (I have a running mix I listen to that is always on shuffle to keep it fresh)...and guess who came on...MADONNA, with her song "Hung Up". At that moment, a half mile from the finish, needing a pick me up, I said out loud..."thank you Jesus".

I mean, the bible says to always be thankful, in all things...and boy, when you need a pick me up to get through a tough part of the race, madonna is your girl. Now you know I am already a big Madonna fan, I mean, I flew to Chicago this summer to see her it was a great moment, and one that I needed to be thankful for.

In a related story...I was out shopping with Tim, Casey and Danny last week looking for the post-Christmas sales, and I found a brown belt at the Gap. Ok so a confession...I hate parting with money, and I especially hate spending money on items that are "necessities", like belts and shoes and toothpaste and overall the stuff you would buy for yourself at Walmart...I mean I am 32 but I still wish my Mom would buy me those types of things!! So I have honestly needed a new brown belt since last Christmas, but have been too cheap to buy one. I mean $20-30 bucks? for real, that feels way to expensive for a belt of all things.

So anyway, this Christmas I decided it was time to get a new belt, that it was way past due. so we were at the Gap, and I picked out the belt, it had a price tag of $24.95...I seriously stood in front of the belts the entire time we were in the store contemplating the purchase...then I decided to dive in, spend the money, and have a nice new belt.

So I go to check out, and it rang up at $9.95. I looked at the screen and asked the check out girl--"it's only $9.95", and she was like "yeah, it's on sale"...I immediatly say "Thank you Jesus" out loud, right to the check out girl (Casey can vouch for this!).

Being thankful for the little things!!


Have a good weekend!!

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