Friday, August 18, 2006

Everyone's Chipping In...

Hey guys, it's Friday morning, and I actually have a day off from running today, to rest my legs for 10 miles tomorrow morning! WOW...I am actually quite nervous about it...I ran my normal 5 on Wednesday, and thought about the fact that I would be running double tomorrow...ok I need to stop psyching myself out about it!!!

Anyway, I was thinking about Leukemia this week, alot effects SO many young people! The Leukemia society sent us these facts...

Did you know:

--Every 5 minutes someone is newly diagnosed with blood cancer (Leukemia, Lymphoma, etc).

--Every 10 minutes someone loses the battle...dies.

--And leukemia still causes more deaths than any other cancer among young people under the age of 20.

WOW. This is a cancer that is killing people our own age...and at a staggering rate...

Just the amount of time that I spent watching the LAGUNA BEACH (sweet!) marathon last Saturday (sadly, about 6 hours of it), in the 360 minutes I was vegetated on the couch...36 people died of Leukemia. wow.

And if you consider my husband's Star Wars or Lord of the Rings (extended editions, of course!) marathons...about 10 hours of viewing pleasure or 600 minutes (for those of us counting)...60 people died of a blood cancer during that time.

Those stats are wild...

Most of us will go to a movie this weekend, or spend time eating out with friends...just think about what the $10 bucks you spend while you are eating out can do to help fight this cancer...would you consider matching your entertainment spending this weekend to donate to fight the cancer that is killing the most young people in America?

How about just $10? That is a mere sacrifice...we are such a blessed country...let's all give so we can find a cure.

Even my pretty beagle is helping out...
Leigh is Running

You know, I know we all have causes that are dear to our if this is not the cause that makes you want to donate or be active, I understand...but I encourage you to be active for whatever cause that motivates you this weekend...give back. It really is a great feeling. Running usually does not feel great in the middle of it, but when I am done, I feel so accomplished and can to by being active for the charity of your choice.

I hope that these stats make you think...if you want to give, please go to the link below...

or if you want to donate, but not online, send me a message, I will give you my address.

Hope you have a GREAT Friday! :) Thanks for reading...

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