Wednesday, January 16, 2008

is it mean to laugh @ American Idol contestants?

I am embarrassed and feel guilty about how hard I am laughing at these contestants...I am sorry, it is so is incredible.

I mean, have you ever been at a theme park and you ntice someone who is dressed so bad...n a way that you feel embarrassed for them? And they are there with a large group of people? Well my roommate from college (Kelly) used to look at people like that out in public and say "they must not have any good friends" -- meaning that if they had some good friends, they would tell them how ridiculous they looked and save them from embarrassment.

Do some of these contestants have anyone in their life who is honest with them?? I am not talking about the crazy's who are just trying to get on TV...I am talking about the ones who TRULY believe that they are meant to be a

I had a pretty rough day today, so this is a great way to blow off some steam and laugh it off...I do feel guilty that I am laughing at people...oh well.

Hope you are well...


vanessa said...

Oh girl, we were laughing our heads off too! The "Since You've Been Gone" video bit was really funny. Why do people sing THAT song?! Awful.

The silver cape guy would was obsessed w/ Simon had me laughing also. I am totally serious when I say I heard Mark singing that stupid song a couple mintues later. I told him to STOP!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice blog and you are so sweet!!!
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Now as then!

Marsha Loftis said...

I love watching American Idol. But..I hate the beginning when they show all the really bad people. My husband loves the beginning. I can't sit there and watch. It feels kind of like when someone scratches their fingers on a chalk board.