Saturday, October 07, 2006

need a little advice...any ideas?

hello reading public, what is up? I just got done watching my beloved Bulldogs take a beating from the Vols...oh well. It's gonna be a long season, unfortunately we started 5-0 so people believed the hype about us...tonight the truth came out...we ain't that good. anyway...that is not the point of this blog... is where I need a little help...I have to raise $1000 more for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society...and I need some fundraising ideas.

Do any of you know of any ideas for how I can get the last $1,000? I need some "low hanging fruit" (thanks Kat for the phrase) ideas--things that I can accomplish with minimal effort/investment.

I plan on sending some postcards out to my family members who still have not given...but beyond that...I am struggling.

So idea people, please send along some thoughts...My deadline is November 10th...I am in the home-stretch

So any help is appreciated!



PS: I ran a 10k today in 71 minutes, my best time yet! My knee and shins are still hurting though... :( but I made it!

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