Saturday, October 14, 2006

14.5 miles...and being able to "See The Morning"

Today I ran 14.5, it was tough. I told my mom I had a street fight and the street won!! It is amazing that you can start the run, and go for a certain distance and feel so great (today it was about 8 miles)...then start to wonder why on earth you are running in the 1st lace. The great thing about our training is that we run out to the halfway point, then turn around and run back to where our cars are parked. So basically, around the 8 mile mark, I was pretty much screwed, and realized I had to get back to my it was me and my iPod and my weary legs pushing it out for 6 more miles...I finished, and I am proud...but I am also in pain!

But the best thing about this morning was the 1st 3 miles...we started at 6:45 am, it was about 38 degrees, and the sun was slowly rising over the Tennessee was of our artists is Chris Tomlin, and he put out a new record called "See The Morning", and his message is all about hope ... and the joy in knowing that God is faithful and has the sun rise every day and all things begin anew and afresh each morning...and running out in the farmland today, I knew what he was good to know that God was with me, and to experience it in a visible way as the sun rose and the fog lifted and the trees were all different beautiful was a good reminder for me.

And then there is always that comical moment...or rather, the humility that has come along with this training...coming home, getting in to an ice bath with 22 pounds of ice (thanks tim for buying the giant bag!), and crying like a baby because the water was so cold...ask Tim, he got a GREAT laugh out of that.

Hope you are doing well...


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