Friday, June 16, 2006

All Dogs Go To Heaven

Today was a long day...I woke up with a start at 6:15 am by hearing the phone ringing, and on the other end was my Dad. I knew something was wrong immediatly...him and my mom are taking care of 2 of our 4 dogs (the girl dogs...the 2 boys are at the "farm" (ie outdoor kennel) ) while we go to Chicago for a summer getaway...

Anyway, he shared the news that our sweet, sweet dog Molly left us during the night to go to Heaven. It sucks to be quite honest, she was a good girl. Molly has been on and off sick all year, but still this felt sudden...when we dropped her off she seemed healthy, and it was a sad day. And I really just wanted to see her 1 more was hard that she was not at home, but I realize that was a blessing as well.

For those of you who don't know, Molly was a leader dog for the blind who lived with my grandmother (Nana) for 11 years until she passed away; my Nana left Molly to Tim and I to take care of. So she has a special place in our entire family's heart, as she stood by Nana's side for years and offered unconditional love and communication to a woman who could barely communicate or get around. And Molly was patient and kind, and completely "selfless".

That might be an odd word to describe a dog, but Molly was the most un-selfish dog on the planet (esp. compared to my others!!)...she really never begged for attention (only some food sometimes) and she kept to herself--but she always kept an eye on Nana...and then me! It was so odd to me when we 1st brought Molly home that she never really let me out of her sight--she would be across the room, but she would always be near, ready to help, or come if I called. I was never out of her sight. She was an amazing dog.

As I was running on Wednesday night, I prayed that God would teach me to be selfless; and now I realize that he had a wonderful example of selflessness right at my feet for the past 2 years. I hope that I can be like Molly someday...quiet, patient, always keeping an eye out for the people I love, and kind-hearted.

I truly believe that Molly is up in Heaven right now, hanging out with my Nana, and they are keeping each other company.

Man she was a good girl, and I am going to miss her.



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