Sunday, October 29, 2006

where has this year gone...?

is anyone else as tripped up that it is about to be November? I can't believe that this year has FLOWN by. only 2.5 months till the big

So, in typical Type A/anal/planner/organizer fashion...I typically set goals each year and on each Birthday for as we changed the clocks again, I was surveying my goals, and wondering how I am doing...and isn't it silly, because I am only judging against myself...but I am proud of what I have done so I get older, my journey becomes more and more internal rather then external...trying to figure out who I am and what I stand for. That can be painful, but it is good...

well i know that the next 2 months are going to go by in a blur...Tim and I have several trips coming up, so time will really start to fly...anyway...running is going well...I did a tough 14 this weekend, but happy to say the knee and the shins are getting much better...and I finally swam a mile last Thursday night in about 45 minutes, it was freakin hard, but I was really proud.

let me know how you are doing..shoot me a message!

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