Monday, June 09, 2008


Here are some questions that have ran through my mind recently...

--why would you wear a sun dress to a dog park?

--why do people always feel like they have to give an answer when there just is not one?

--how did my husband get strep throat in June?

--how could I love my dogs any more?

--isn't it interesting how my motivations change over time?

--why is gas so freaking expensive?

--how come, in this great country of ours, we can not find 2 amazing, GREAT, worthy candidates for president?  I mean, 2 people who you would feel confident if either one, not like it is just a toss up and either way you are screwed?

--how can it be this hot so quickly?

--is there any way possible I will ever win a triathlon?

--can't weekends be 3 days instead of 2?

--why am I not content with the things God has given me?

--when will I really make it in my career?

--why does money exist?

--why does network TV suck in the summer?  Hello people, we are still watching!!  Don't drive us to the internet!!  You need us!! 

so those are a few questions running through my mind, as we start this lazy, hot summer...enjoy!

Monday, June 02, 2008

New Photos...

So I am not super savvy about all the web stuff, but I created a new photo album of some old photos on my Facebook page...above are a few of the shots...

But check out the whole album...I hope that you can see these photos even if you are not a facebook user...

I posted a bunch from the past few years...enjoy!!