Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Colorado Pics


Tim and I spent 6 days in glorious Colorado last week...can I say 85 degrees and NO humidity!!  It was a great escape for us!!

The 1st part of the weekend we spent with my cousins Byron, Melinda and Logan in Denver. We love them so much!! Tim and Logan are two peas in a pod...they can hang out all day long.

I did have to do some work though (GMA Music in the Rockies), but it was very rewarding work...I taught some courses to independent artists on how to market their music online, and participated in some industry round tables.  That was fun...only tough part was cell phone service and the wireless connection!!  

This slide show is mostly from our trip into the Rocky Mountain National Park, where we drove up to the top of the mountains 2 times...over 12,000 feet high!  It was rad...

Enjoy the scenery!